The Level of Anxiety Among Unemployed Persons Who Have Graduated in Master's and Bachelor's Degrees Download PDF

Journal Name : SunText Review of Neuroscience & Psychology

DOI : 10.51737/2766-4503.2022.055

Article Type : Research Article

Authors : Huçaj BB1,* and Rexhepi S2

Keywords : Anxiety; Unemployment; Graduates; Bachelor; Master


Objective: This study aims to present theoretical and practical contributions and provide guidelines for future research. The idea of this study was to deal with the issue of unemployment, as a fairly widespread phenomenon in the country, causing a lot of concern and anxiety among the population, especially among those who have completed their studies and are now wandering around if they can find a job. whatever kind, just don't waste your time, and most of them for survival. This complex and increasingly common phenomenon is becoming unfortunately in our country.

Methods: The study has a quantitative character; the methods were correlative and descriptive. For data collection, the Back Anxiety Inventory (BAI) was used with a total of 21 items, aimed at identifying anxiety symptoms in unemployed individuals. For data processing and analysis, we used the SPSS program, namely the Chi-square known as Pearson's test, which was used to examine the relationship between categorical variables. Then we used the T-test to compare the averages obtained, as well as to test the reliability of the test and to understand the consistency of the statements, we used Cronbach's Alpha.

Sample: The subjects who underwent this study were from Prizren and Prishtina as well as the villages in the district, they belonged to different ages and genders and made up a total of 64, where 25 or 39.1% were women and 39 or 60.1% of them were men.

Results: According to the obtained results, the average value of anxiety reached a moderate value of 24.64, which shows that the organism is reacting, that the symptoms can be transitory, but also in response to internal conflicts.

Conclusions: Based on the obtained results of this study, which provide us with information about the anxiety state of unemployed individuals who have completed studies at the basic and master's level, we can affirm that the symptoms of anxiety are present in a moderate form and which can be aggravated and complicate the functioning of the population we were focusing on. And we can also affirm that one of the psychological and social costs manifested in the form of anxiety is unemployment, since unemployed individuals have enough worries and psychic burdens about their future, where this is also the result of many other social problems. Starting with the most important one such as the family.


This paper aims to present theoretical and practical contributions and provide directions for future research. The idea of this study was to deal with the issue of unemployment, as a fairly widespread phenomenon in the country, causing a lot of concern and anxiety among the population, especially among those who have completed their studies and are now wandering around if they can find a job. Whatever kind, just don't waste your time, and most of them for survival. This complex and increasingly common phenomenon is becoming unfortunately in our country. Anxiety is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words, it is difficult to  understand even by the individual himself and even less understood by other people, and for this reason it can be called the silent killer, because the person finds it difficult to show the situation you experience in reality. He feels a load of worry inside himself and cannot find suitable words to describe this state. For this reason, it is good and necessary for the person experiencing anxiety to consult a psychologist, psychiatrist and other competent persons. However, even though anxiety is not a disorder that looks much from the outside, it is the one that makes work difficult, prevents to see the positive sides of things, and that limits the person's action. People who experience anxiety do not have a clear idea of the real cause of the anxiety. They are overwhelmed by absurd feelings. Most of the time, to describe the state of anxiety, people use sentences like: I have a "knead" in my stomach, I have a void, I have a feeling that I don't know what it is...etc. The latter are some of the sentences that people express during a state of anxiety. Unemployment is also considered a phenomenon that causes a lot of stress and anxiety, we have tried through this research to understand the anxious state of the unemployed who have graduated in masters and bachelor's degrees. In addition to the theoretical part, we have also addressed the practical part of our study work using statistical methods for measuring anxiety to understand how much it is present in these individuals. Statistical methods are useful as they do not allow us to make mistakes in the working process, where through various statistical measurements we can better understand the objectives of the study, in this case the symptoms of anxiety. First of all, we can say that all people more or less experience the symptoms of anxiety, even if they are not aware of it, since they often do not even know how to express it. From this study we have understood that the population we focused on had average symptoms of anxiety, which we will talk about in more detail in the following chapters.

Review of Theoretical Literature


The concept of anxiety is difficult to understand. It can be defined as a vague, unpleasant feeling of fear, boredom and worry about the future. Generally, the person does not have a clear idea about the real cause of anxiety. Often, he tries to avoid his thoughts of fear as they seem to intensify it. Anxiety is often a general emotional reaction to stress, it is a fear caused by the demands placed on the person when, he does not know what these demands actually are. Anxiety is typically measured by examining self-reports, behavioural observations, and physiological activity [1]. Anxiety is not an abnormal phenomenon, but a basic emotion, expressed by the activity of the organism, it is a conscious psychic state, manifested when an individual has a feeling of preoccupation, or intense and prolonged fear, associated with a specific clear stimulus (internal or external), or developed from the lack of adaptive response of the organism, to a subjective source of stress [2]. Normal anxiety is a natural adaptation mechanism, it is a normal single reaction, which does not constitute a pathology because, apart from the worries being transitory and controllable, they do not have any such severity, which causes clinically significant suffering, nor does it impair function. According to Freud, anxiety is a special type of unjustifiable fear, which has its source in the person himself, anxiety is related to the great pressure of shyness, dissatisfaction, tense and insecurity, which the person imposes on himself for a long time and does not appear with changes [3]. Fear is an emotional response to a real or perceived threat, this fear is the body's immediate response to a real threat, it is an experience of coping with the present danger. Although unpleasant, experiences of fear and anxiety are beneficial to a certain extent. Fear is the emotional response to a real or perceived threat, while anxiety is the feeling of anticipation of some expected threat in the future. Fear and anxiety are two conditions closely related to each other in everyday life and both have the same physiological characteristics. Anxiety is a response of the body without any very clear sense of being in danger, it is the general feeling about a possible danger, which prepares the body to take a counter-action. Unlike anxiety in ordinary situations, pathological anxiety is excessive, incomprehensible, prolonged, and significantly impairs functioning [4].

Anxiety symptoms

Anxiety symptoms are symptoms that we encounter not only in anxiety disorders but also in many general diseases, while anxiety disorders are coexisting disorders with many other medical disorders or diseases. Anxiety and anxiety disorders manifested clinically with groups of symptoms of different intensity, in different individuals, such as physical-physiological symptoms, emotional-cognitive symptoms and characteristic behavioural symptoms. In many cases, patients may have the sensation of body coldness or heat, tremors, numbness and nausea, the feeling of vomiting or other abdominal disturbances such as abdominal pain or bloating, feeling dizzy, the feeling of dizziness, significant bodily symptoms such as and lack of energy or complain that they get tired quickly [2].

Panic attack

A panic attack is a dramatic and spontaneous increase in fear and anxiety, accompanied by numerous physical symptoms. Seizures resemble the body's normal physiological responses to life-threatening situations or extreme physical exercise. However, the attacks appear spontaneously and unpredictably and without any provocation. It is a symptom found in several anxiety disorders, including panic disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic attacks characterized by periods of intense fear, extreme tension, and a sense of death. nearby. It is called a panic attack  when at least four of the physical symptoms are present within 10 minutes of the start of the episode such as:

·         Palpitations or rapid heartbeat

·         Sweating

·         Shaking or shaking

·         Feeling of shortness or slowness of breathing

·         Sensation of suffocation

·         Nausea or abdominal discomfort

·         Chest pain

·         Dizziness, feeling unsteady

·         Feeling of lack of reality

·         Fear of going crazy or doing something uncontrolled during the attack

·         Fear of dying

·         Paresthesia (numbness or tingling sensation)

·         Cold or hot flushes.

Often the first panic attack appears when the individual is under the influence of a strong stress such as Separation from a loved one, leaving home for the first time, the death of a friend or close person, or starting a new job [5].

Unemployment, quite a widespread phenomenon in the country

Nowadays, the phenomenon of unemployment is widely spread, which constantly reveals the pathologies that have plagued the psychology of the people, apathy, neglect, duality of personality, etc., notions that can take a relative framework for any given situation. Thus, unemployment remains today one of the key problems in the country. I can say that it remains one of the key factors of that gray shade that we encounter incessantly as if it is an indelible part of everyday life and deep in the skin of the vast mass of the population. The problems of unemployment are as social, as complex, as unsolved, as with consequences, mainly among young people. Day by day, the number of young people who graduate and become unemployed is increasing. Dispersed faculties and investment in the professional preparation of citizens for work are giving the opposite effect, i.e., it has resulted in a large number of young people enrolled in faculties, who will soon join the constellation of young graduates waiting for employment. The weak economy and the lack of jobs are the biggest problem in the country where young people face various challenges until employment, while employment itself is an uncertain and unclear future. Young people go to college and after graduation, they become extremely depressed because they cannot find any jobs related to the relevant education. Many young people who have graduated and who have been successful in their direction were forced to work all kinds of other jobs that are outside the framework of their profession, they even work as manual workers and this situation made it clear to us to understand the unemployment in country, where the jobs offered by the state are extremely reduced and often if no new jobs are opened, the graduates eventually join the unemployed population, and this situation causes a lot of irritation and stress.

Psychological and social impacts of unemployment

Our country is facing a rapidly increasing unemployment rate, a level of job insecurity and dissatisfaction. The latest figures from the World Bank show that unemployment by the end of the third quarter of 2013 was 12.8%, not including those who leave work or those who stay at work unsatisfied. Our mentality holds in its bosom very fanatically, the evaluation of the work role external signs of status, wealth and peak achievement giving a somewhat vital importance to the status of the job level. So, it's not surprising that rates of anxiety and mental disorders are on the rise. The impacts as a result of unemployment appear in several spheres of the individual's and society's life, unemployment as a social phenomenon is causing many social problems both in society and in the family.

The social impact of unemployment

Financial bankruptcies affect the characteristic values of the community where the individual lives, and the lack of money that serves to maintain the house causes the individual to neglect to act or follow the flow of daily life, which is generally considered normal. The social causes that make an individual unemployed are numerous, the increase in the level of corruption, high taxes, the professional lack of employees who accept people to work and the inability of job seekers as well as entrepreneurial ability. Regarding public education as an institution, leaning from the peripheral and rural areas where the highest level of poverty is usually encountered, due to the severe economic situation there may be families who do not take their children to school. This factor keeps illiteracy alive in the country. To see it at the micro level, the individual and the family are deeply affected by unemployment and if it is the family that is the cell of a society, then undoubtedly at the social level we will have a weak society, either in terms of health and emotional but also in terms of academic development and cultural. Unemployment has become one of the key factors that cause various problems and fights in the family, where sometimes it can go to extremes and lead to the separation of spouses.

The psychological effects of unemployment on the individual

In most cases, we see the eclipse of the lives of the unemployed people around us, it seems that they have lost the desire to continue the normality of their daily lives, this further resulting in the pronounced prejudice that society exerts on this category, describing them as incompetent, useless and others like these. In  when at least four of the physical symptoms are present within 10 minutes of the start of the episode such as:

·         Palpitations or rapid heartbeat

·         Sweating

·         Shaking or shaking

·         Feeling of shortness or slowness of breathing

·         Sensation of suffocation

·         Nausea or abdominal discomfort

·         Chest pain

·         Dizziness, feeling unsteady

·         Feeling of lack of reality

·         Fear of going crazy or doing something uncontrolled during the attack

·         Fear of dying

·         Paresthesia (numbness or tingling sensation)

·         Cold or hot flushes.

Often the first panic attack appears when the individual is under the influence of a strong stress such as Separation from a loved one, leaving home for the first time, the death of a friend or close person, or starting a new job [5].

Unemployment, quite a widespread phenomenon in the country

Nowadays, the phenomenon of unemployment is widely spread, which constantly reveals the pathologies that have plagued the psychology of the people, apathy, neglect, duality of personality, etc., notions that can take a relative framework for any given situation. Thus, unemployment remains today one of the key problems in the country. I can say that it remains one of the key factors of that gray shade that we encounter incessantly as if it is an indelible part of everyday life and deep in the skin of the vast mass of the population. The problems of unemployment are as social, as complex, as unsolved, as with consequences, mainly among young people. Day by day, the number of young people who graduate and become unemployed is increasing. Dispersed faculties and investment in the professional preparation of citizens for work are giving the opposite effect, i.e., it has resulted in a large number of young people enrolled in faculties, who will soon join the constellation of young graduates waiting for employment. The weak economy and the lack of jobs are the biggest problem in the country where young people face various challenges until employment, while employment itself is an uncertain and unclear future. Young people go to college and after graduation, they become extremely depressed because they cannot find any jobs related to the relevant education. Many young people who have graduated and who have been successful in their direction were forced to work all kinds of other jobs that are outside the framework of their profession, they even work as manual workers and this situation made it clear to us to understand the unemployment in country, where the jobs offered by the state are extremely reduced and often if no new jobs are opened, the graduates eventually join the unemployed population, and this situation causes a lot of irritation and stress.

Psychological and social impacts of unemployment

Our country is facing a rapidly increasing unemployment rate, a level of job insecurity and dissatisfaction. The latest figures from the World Bank show that unemployment by the end of the third quarter of 2013 was 12.8%, not including those who leave work or those who stay at work unsatisfied. Our mentality holds in its bosom very fanatically, the evaluation of the work role external signs of status, wealth and peak achievement giving a somewhat vital importance to the status of the job level. So, it's not surprising that rates of anxiety and mental disorders are on the rise. The impacts as a result of unemployment appear in several spheres of the individual's and society's life, unemployment as a social phenomenon is causing many social problems both in society and in the family.

The social impact of unemployment

Financial bankruptcies affect the characteristic values of the community where the individual lives, and the lack of money that serves to maintain the house causes the individual to neglect to act or follow the flow of daily life, which is generally considered normal. The social causes that make an individual unemployed are numerous, the increase in the level of corruption, high taxes, the professional lack of employees who accept people to work and the inability of job seekers as well as entrepreneurial ability. Regarding public education as an institution, leaning from the peripheral and rural areas where the highest level of poverty is usually encountered, due to the severe economic situation there may be families who do not take their children to school. This factor keeps illiteracy alive in the country. To see it at the micro level, the individual and the family are deeply affected by unemployment and if it is the family that is the cell of a society, then undoubtedly at the social level we will have a weak society, either in terms of health and emotional but also in terms of academic development and cultural. Unemployment has become one of the key factors that cause various problems and fights in the family, where sometimes it can go to extremes and lead to the separation of spouses.

The psychological effects of unemployment on the individual

In most cases, we see the eclipse of the lives of the unemployed people around us, it seems that they have lost the desire to continue the normality of their daily lives, this further resulting in the pronounced prejudice that society exerts on this category, describing them as incompetent, useless and others like these. In when at least four of the physical symptoms are present within 10 minutes of the start of the episode such as:

·         Palpitations or rapid heartbeat

·         Sweating

·         Shaking or shaking

·         Feeling of shortness or slowness of breathing

·         Sensation of suffocation

·         Nausea or abdominal discomfort

·         Chest pain

·         Dizziness, feeling unsteady

·         Feeling of lack of reality

·         Fear of going crazy or doing something uncontrolled during the attack

·         Fear of dying

·         Paresthesia (numbness or tingling sensation)

·         Cold or hot flushes.

Often the first panic attack appears when the individual is under the influence of a strong stress such as Separation from a loved one, leaving home for the first time, the death of a friend or close person, or starting a new job [5].

Unemployment, quite a widespread phenomenon in the country

Nowadays, the phenomenon of unemployment is widely spread, which constantly reveals the pathologies that have plagued the psychology of the people, apathy, neglect, duality of personality, etc., notions that can take a relative framework for any given situation. Thus, unemployment remains today one of the key problems in the country. I can say that it remains one of the key factors of that gray shade that we encounter incessantly as if it is an indelible part of everyday life and deep in the skin of the vast mass of the population. The problems of unemployment are as social, as complex, as unsolved, as with consequences, mainly among young people. Day by day, the number of young people who graduate and become unemployed is increasing. Dispersed faculties and investment in the professional preparation of citizens for work are giving the opposite effect, i.e., it has resulted in a large number of young people enrolled in faculties, who will soon join the constellation of young graduates waiting for employment. The weak economy and the lack of jobs are the biggest problem in the country where young people face various challenges until employment, while employment itself is an uncertain and unclear future. Young people go to college and after graduation, they become extremely depressed because they cannot find any jobs related to the relevant education. Many young people who have graduated and who have been successful in their direction were forced to work all kinds of other jobs that are outside the framework of their profession, they even work as manual workers and this situation made it clear to us to understand the unemployment in country, where the jobs offered by the state are extremely reduced and often if no new jobs are opened, the graduates eventually join the unemployed population, and this situation causes a lot of irritation and stress.

Psychological and social impacts of unemployment

Our country is facing a rapidly increasing unemployment rate, a level of job insecurity and dissatisfaction. The latest figures from the World Bank show that unemployment by the end of the third quarter of 2013 was 12.8%, not including those who leave work or those who stay at work unsatisfied. Our mentality holds in its bosom very fanatically, the evaluation of the work role external signs of status, wealth and peak achievement giving a somewhat vital importance to the status of the job level. So, it's not surprising that rates of anxiety and mental disorders are on the rise. The impacts as a result of unemployment appear in several spheres of the individual's and society's life, unemployment as a social phenomenon is causing many social problems both in society and in the family.

The social impact of unemployment

Financial bankruptcies affect the characteristic values of the community where the individual lives, and the lack of money that serves to maintain the house causes the individual to neglect to act or follow the flow of daily life, which is generally considered normal. The social causes that make an individual unemployed are numerous, the increase in the level of corruption, high taxes, the professional lack of employees who accept people to work and the inability of job seekers as well as entrepreneurial ability. Regarding public education as an institution, leaning from the peripheral and rural areas where the highest level of poverty is usually encountered, due to the severe economic situation there may be families who do not take their children to school. This factor keeps illiteracy alive in the country. To see it at the micro level, the individual and the family are deeply affected by unemployment and if it is the family that is the cell of a society, then undoubtedly at the social level we will have a weak society, either in terms of health and emotional but also in terms of academic development and cultural. Unemployment has become one of the key factors that cause various problems and fights in the family, where sometimes it can go to extremes and lead to the separation of spouses.

The psychological effects of unemployment on the individual

In most cases, we see the eclipse of the lives of the unemployed people around us, it seems that they have lost the desire to continue the normality of their daily lives, this further resulting in the pronounced prejudice that society exerts on this category, describing them as incompetent, useless and others like these. In fact, this apathy that the unemployed are forced to see bumping into their faces every day, leaves quite a few consequences in their emotional and spiritual state. Studies have shown that the loss of work can have a psychological and biological price at the same time, because it results in the appearance of depression, anxiety disorders increases somatic symptoms, such as fatigue or headaches, and high rates of medical diseases. In most cases, according to a study [6], it has been noticed that the feelings that unemployment causes in mass are - apathy, surrender, demoralization and passivity which have appeared as a consequence of unemployment for many individuals. Along with unemployment, suicide attempts can increase. The impacts of unemployment are more serious for men than for women. The greater the proportions that unemployment causes to the individual, the greater the psychological consequences [7]. Many are the variables that are affected due to unemployment, including belief in one's competence or self-efficacy, self-respect, identity, life satisfaction, and sense of meaning and purpose in life.


This research is carried out through quantitative descriptive research which is used to describe the characteristics of a population or phenomenon under study by collecting information without interfering in the manipulation of the environment. The selection of the appropriate methodology for this research had the main purpose of determining the level of anxiety among graduates in master's and bachelor's degrees as well as those with secondary education. This is reflected here by presenting the research problem, the purpose of the research, the sample selected for the research, the measuring instrument, the hypotheses, the research variables, the organization and the whole procedure of carrying out this research.

The research problem

The problem we have chosen for this research is unemployment, which is significantly burdening the lives of the population, causing a high level of stress and anxiety. We defined this problem as a social phenomenon that is affecting the quality and productivity of life as a lack of financial income. Unemployment is a more powerful stressor, especially among graduates who have already completed 3 or 5 years of studies and already have a diploma, but without any effect of adjusting the status in the relevant profession. The issue of unemployment is quite delicate and day by day it is accompanied by various problems that they encountered in their mental health, precisely this is also the reason for defining this problem which is quite widespread in the country.

The research questions that this study undertakes to answer:

·         Is the level of anxiety higher among the unemployed population than among those who are employed.

·         Do graduates with a master's degree have a higher state of animosity than those with a bachelor's and secondary education?

·         there a difference in the level of anxiety among graduates who live in rural areas and those who live in urban areas?

·         Are their differences in the anxiety state of the unemployed in the middle age compared to those at a younger age?

·         What is the impact of unemployment status on psychological difficulties, aggressive behaviour’s, attention problems, behaviour problems, social withdrawal, thought problems and somatic disorders of unemployed youth?

The purpose of the research

Taking into account the fact that unemployment is very pronounced in our country, it is not necessary and as a preventive measure to research this phenomenon, this phenomenon is quite worrying especially among the population who have a diploma and do not use it to practice the profession they have studied. If education and work experience are not put to use, they lose their value over time. The increase in unemployment can affect the increase in crime in the country. The social costs of unemployment also take the form of a decrease in personal dignity and the deterioration of the health of the unemployed. This was precisely the origin and our goal of this research, as another objective of this research which represents our essential goal is to highlight the problems and emotional concerns that often appeared through anxiety and stress, and all our research work was focused on the level of anxiety among master's and bachelor's graduates, mainly the unemployed with secondary education.

Research hypotheses

The conceptual research hypothesis of this research is:

The auxiliary hypotheses in this research are: 

·         The level of anxiety is higher among the unemployed population, compared to those who are employed.

·         Master's graduates who are not in employment are more anxious than those who have graduated in bachelor's and secondary education.

·         Graduates from rural areas have a higher level of anxiety compared to those from urban areas.

·         The unemployed who are younger are less anxious than the unemployed who belong to the middle age.

·         The female gender experiences a higher level of anxiety compared to the male gender.

Unemployment has an impact on the emotional states of the individual showing psychological difficulties,

·         aggressive behavior, attention problems, behavioral problems, social withdrawal, thought problems and somatic disorders.

Research variables

The main variables of this research are the level of anxiety and unemployment in it graduates, which we have defined as:  

In our case we have tried to find a connection between these two variables, to understand if there is a correlation between these two variables, where we have treated the unemployed as an independent variable preceding anxiety as a dependent variable. General variables referring to demographic factors, we treated age, gender, education and place of residence. We used these variables to understand their relationship with the main variable in this case anxiety, trying to find the difference in the gender variable between the male and female categories, as regards the categories of the education variable such as master's, bachelor's and education of secondary, also in the used variable we tried to find differences between the categories of this variable, villages and cities. The next category is the age of the subjects, divided into four categories of age groups. The first age group is the age of subjects who are up to 20 - 26 years, the second age group of subjects who are from 27 - 34 years, the third age group which consists of 35 - 42 and a small number of 43 and above, between for these age groups, the averages achieved for the level of anxiety were compared.

Measuring instrument

For the realization of this research, a survey in the form of a questionnaire was used as a measuring instrument for measuring the level of anxiety, I consider the survey as the most suitable method since for a short period of time we can collect a significant amount of information. The section of the questionnaire contained the introductory part which was also the instruction for the test takers, the demographic data which included the age, gender, place of residence and relevant education of the test takers, and the main part of the questionnaire which consisted of a total of 21 items, where from each item the respondents had to to circle one of the 4 proposed alternatives that expressed the degree of compliance and was marked with: "0 - not at all", "1 - a little, but not disturbing", "2 - medium, disturbing in some cases" and "3 - a lot, it was very disturbing". The statements used provide scores for general symptoms related to anxiety and precisely constituted the test developed by Aaron Back that is standardized for measuring the level of anxiety. The aforementioned items identified psychological difficulties of the anxiety type, which included: "numbness/piercing, numbness, inability to calm down, strong/fast heartbeat, hand tremors, difficulty in digestion, etc., these are some of the statements that the respondents should answered by circling one of the 4 presented scales, and each of them had to judge how distressing they had been during the last 30 days, including the day when the questionnaire was completed. For data processing and analysis, we used the SPSS program, namely the Chi-square, considered a fairly quick test also known as Pearson's test, which was used to examine the relationship between categorical variables. Then we used the T-test to compare the averages obtained, as well as to prove the reliability of the test, we tried the analysis of the items, to understand the consistency, where we used Cronbach's Alpha and we proved that the items were intercorrelated and showed consistency, which they informed us that the questionnaire could be used for research and is statistically significant and reliable for measurement.


The sample is considered as the selected part for research which represents the population, the population is defined as the entire group from which information can be obtained to achieve the objective of the study. In our case, since information is required about the level of anxiety among the unemployed, we focused on graduates in master's, bachelor's and secondary education, who also made up our sample. The subjects who underwent this study were from Priene and Pristina as well as villages in the district, they belonged to different ages and genders and made up a total of 64, where 25 or 39.1% were women and 39 or 60.1% of them were men. During the realization of this study, all participants were treated with due respect and consideration. It was clearly presented to them what the purpose of this study was, allowing the necessary space to ask questions about any ambiguity, and it was explained to them that their participation was important in this research. During the presentation of the questionnaire, it was made clear to all participants that any information provided was completely confidential and there was no element in the questionnaire that could identify them. Also, our respondents were informed that although their participation was quite important for this study, they could withdraw at any moment from completing the questionnaire. In the following table we will present the frequencies of the sample that underwent the study.

Research flow

In February 2018, we conducted research about the problems and concerns of anxiety as a result of unemployment, specifically among individuals who graduated in master's and bachelor's degrees. After defining the research problem, we took care of the preparation of the instrument measuring the level of anxiety, which was not difficult, and then followed the work in the field to collect information to reach the objective of the study. The work in the field was a bit difficult because our respondents were not in one place, but had to move some to one place and some to another, but our work was facilitated by some friends and colleagues who dealt

with the distribution of questionnaires by tried to find the relevant persons who responded to our study. We tried to make the sample selected to be representative and proportional to the population so that our research work has meaning. Our respondents belonged to the cities of Priene and Pristina, as well as villages in the district. As for completing the questionnaires, an average time of 10-15 minutes was needed for each respondent, leaving space for them to think about their situation, how disturbing it has been within the past 30 days. The work in the field lasted approximately 1 (one) week where we had the opportunity to collect significant amounts of information for achieving the objective of the relevant study. The meeting with the respondents to fill out the questionnaires was held in different places such as: in the city park, in the cafeteria, in the home, depending on the place that suited them. Some of the selected subjects were not honest as they did not understand what the study was about, even after all the relevant clarifications, they still hesitated creating difficulties for us because they thought "we are not sick, we do not have anxiety" and all the alternatives offered were surrounded with zeros, therefore we treated these questionnaires as worthless and did not put them into use.After collecting the data, we started with their processing and analysis using the SPSS program and statistical tests which facilitated our work. In order to find out how anxiety symptoms are present in our test subjects, we used statistical methods to derive the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, significance, always looking for the relationship between the variables and the relationship between them

This scale was used to measure the collected points:

10 – 20 points – slightly anxious, not worrying

21 - 40 - average, disturbing in some cases, and

41 – 60 – very disturbing

Interpretation of Results

Descriptive analysis

Data analysis aims to describe, evaluate and explain the characteristics of the data, possibly to reach a conclusion about the hypothesis or research question. From the obtained results of this research, we will present in tabular form the frequencies of the subjects who underwent this study, where according to the data, 25 or 39.1% of the subjects are female and 39 or 60.9% are male. Regarding the residence of the subjects, we have these frequencies: 37 or 57% of the subjects who underwent this study were from the village and 27 or 42% of our sample were from the city, for more clarity we will see the corresponding table. The sample frequencies that made up the education variable, we have these data, which we have categorized into three groups, those who belonged to the master's level of education, we have 13, respectively 20.3%, in the bachelor's, we have 31, respectively, 48.4%, and secondary education, 20, respectively, 31.3%. In terms of age, we have these subsamples categorized into four groups that underwent the research, 20-26 years old we have 32 subjects that make up 50% of the tested, aged 27-34 years old we have 15 respectively 23.4%, 35-42 years old we have 9 respectively 14.1%, and 43 and over we have 8, respectively 12.5% that make up the unemployed population that helped us to carry out this research. Based on the results of the analysis, we can see that the arithmetic mean for the anxiety level of the subjects in the study, who represented the unemployed population, is 24.64 (M=24.64), standard deviation 9.11 (? = 9.11) and measurement error 1.39 (D=1.14).

Table 1: Shows the degree of reliability of the questionnaire.

 Table 2: Sampling frequencies.

Table 3: Number of subjects by gender

Table 4: Number of subjects based on residence

Table 5: Number of subjects according to level of education.

Table 6: Number of subjects based on age.

Table 7: It presents the arithmetic mean of the anxiety level, the standard deviation and the measurement error.

Table 8: Correlation between anxiety level and education levels.


Table 9: Anxiety level by place of residence.

Table 10: It presents comparisons of the average level of anxiety where it proves that there are no differences between the inhabitants of the village and those of the city.

Table 11: Anxiety level by gender

Table 12: Anxiety level according to age.

Hypothesis analysis

Main hypothesis: "The level of anxiety in relation to unemployment among graduates in master's and bachelor's degrees “In the level of anxiety and unemployment among the graduates in master's and bachelor's, I used two variables. The independent variable is unemployment among graduates, while the dependent variable is anxiety. Through this, I wanted to analyse whether unemployment affects the state of anxiety among those who have completed their studies, so to find a connection between these two variables, I want to prove the level of connection, statistically, whether the connection between the level of anxiety and unemployment among master's and bachelor's graduates, using the categories of education level, master's bachelor's and average education.

Table 13: The correlation between the level of anxiety and age.

Here we have a negative correlation where as one increases the other decreases, and we have these results r= -33 which represents a low negative correlation, as for significance we have Sig=0.01 which means it is statistically significant. In this case, we can emphasize that the alternative hypothesis is approved, showing that we have a negative correlation between the two variables. If we refer to the differences according to the place of residence in the level of anxiety, we have the hypothesis H2 – Graduates from rural areas have a higher level of anxiety compared to those from urban areas, where according to the comparative analysis there are no differences, it means that the alternative hypothesis is rejected and the hypothesis is accepted, asserting that there are no differences between residents who live in the countryside and those who live in the city. According to the t-test, we have these results where t (64) = -1.80, p=0.78. It means it is not statistically significant since the significance has exceeded 0.05. In the third hypothesis, we referred to the gender factor, where we potentiated H3 - Men have a higher level than women. Relying on the results obtained from the t-test analysis, we can affirm that there are no differences and you cannot approve the alternative hypothesis, but the negative one which affirms that there are no differences and we have these results where women have an average level of anxiety that is 25.12, while men have 24.33, according to anxiety measurement scales, both groups have an average level that does not show significant differences. According to the results of the t-test, we have t= 0.34, and p representing the significance, we have p =0.74, which means that the hypothesis is rejected, there are no differences. And regarding age and level of anxiety by processing the results with the Pearson correlation method, it is affirmed that we have a negative relationship and this is proven by the results obtained where according to age we have an average level of M=24.64, N=64, and a correlation r= -28 indicating a low correlation and the significance Sig= 0.05 indicating that it is statistically significant.

Discussion and Conclusion

In this study, we have focused on the level of anxiety, mainly how it is present in the graduates of the master's and bachelor's degrees, we think that all people experience the symptoms of anxiety without being aware that it was an anxious state, but somewhere they showed more or less, depending on the disturbing situations that presented to the individuals. Based on our obtained results of this study, which give us information about the anxious state of unemployed graduates, we can affirm that the symptoms of anxiety are also present in the population that we had in focus, and according to in the results we have an average level of anxiety that reached an average value of 24.64, but the drawback of this study is that the symptoms of anxiety may be the result of some other secondary factor, but nevertheless we can conclude that our country is facing a degree high unemployment and as a result of this situation, symptoms of anxiety are undoubtedly inevitable. Anxiety is a part of everyone's life, we, having the obtained results as a supporting basis, affirm that gender or place of residence does not matter, as long as the results have shown that anxiety is present without difference. Referring to the statistical data and the comparative method of the t-test, we did not encounter any differences, where the women had an anxiety level of 25.12 and the men 24.33, which means that both groups are at the average level, as well as the other demographic factors have not showed important differences and from this they made us understand that the anxious state is present regardless of age, gender or place of residence. According to some studies, the low economic level remains one of the factors of domestic violence psychology-and-social-price-of-unemployment/And we can also affirm that one of the psychological and social costs manifested in the form of anxiety is unemployment, since unemployed individuals have enough worries and psychic burdens about their future, where this is also the result of many other social problems. starting with the most important one such as the family. Also, relationships in couples can be irritated, which can sometimes even lead to separation. Individuals unconsciously sometimes, to face the anxious state, choose the wrong forms, such as alcohol abuse, arguments in couples, family violence, etc. So, based on the results of our research and related theories on anxiety, we can conclude that anxiety is present in one way or another in everyone's life and also among the unemployed who participated in our study. An idle existence is a worse denial of life than death itself.


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