Interpersonal Relationships in the Workers of Graphic Arts of the Autonomous University of Nayarit Download PDF

Journal Name : SunText Review of Arts & Social Sciences

DOI : 10.51737/2766-4600.2021.020

Article Type : Research Article

Authors : Pimienta AO

Keywords : Interpersonal relationships; Inclusion; Control; Affection


The activity carried out in the graphic arts workshop of the Autonomous University of Nayarit, is part of a great diversity of institutional actions as its services are focused on the different instances that make up the university community, from the student sector, academic units, teaching sectors, administrative. Among the services offered, is the advice for the design of all types of offset and digital printing of official materials, advertising and institutional dissemination such as: institutional stationery, books, magazines, gazettes, theses, folders, posters, brochures, flyers, invitations and business cards. Such offer of services requires a lot of work dynamism which involves various situations that can affect the productive efficiency itself that does not properly refer to the completion of a delivery, since if only these arguments are considered to evaluate the implicit process in practice At work, a subjective observation of mastery of the task would be taking place, since to a large extent the difference between efficiency or deficiency should not only be concentrated on having the capacity and knowledge of the function to be exercised, but also having to live with colleagues who have a diversity of personalities and interests, which at a given moment they can infer in interpersonal relationships. Hence the importance of analysing the factors that influence interpersonal relationships, as a basis for the design of an institutional proposal with a humanist approach to strengthen the work of the graphic arts workshop employees of the Autonomous University of Nayarit. From a humanistic, descriptive, observational and cross-sectional perspective based on the application of a questionnaire constructed for the same purpose and a validated instrument which measures interpersonal relationships considering three elements: inclusion, control and affection, both measurement resources will allow to obtain an approach to the interpersonal dynamics.


The purpose of this paper is to analyse interpersonal relationships and, to the same extent, to propose coping actions to improve communication, which is an important part of interpersonal relationships, among the workers of the graphic arts workshop of the Autonomous University of Nayarit. As previously stated, the essential spirit of the present work focuses on the humanistic aspects that involve the work dynamics, knowing that it will be necessary for the individual to establish interpersonal relationships to carry out their work since it requires performing very specific skills in addition to the labour demand is very demanding in terms of delivery times and quality in the finished product. The work activity not only focuses on the tasks to be executed in an expeditious and efficient manner, it also involves developing, in equal measure, cognitive and physiological functions that favour in the human being a greater capacity for understanding, and in turn, better adaptation to the environment in that unfolds. Regular work skills contribute significantly to improving this adaptive capacity. This is why work plays a very important role in the evolution of man and society. Now, the work activity is usually done due to various interests (economic, professional, family, social, creative, etc.) and from these the creative benefit that can even be turned into playful, is very frequent, this is because the execution itself allows a certain degree of freedom of individual expression, however, as it improves in its creative capacity, the complexity increases and self-evaluation standards are increasingly demanding, over time and as a product of the same evolution it is achieving a greater improvement, paradoxically this leads to the worker being more rigorous with himself precisely because of the efficiency developed.

Hence, this same intrinsic desire for positive evolution may cause you not to realize that there are many factors involved in the work activity, some of which are not inherent to the worker itself, some of them are external, such as the context , the facilities, the machinery flaws, the roles to be performed, the delivery times, the ambient temperature, the different personalities, etc., that is, there are personal, environmental, contextual and even perceptual variables that in one way or another they affect the work performance. It would be worth emphasizing the importance of interpersonal relationships with the same colleagues, as well as the relationship with the leaders or coordinators, and even at a given time, also consider the characteristics of the assigned responsibility, since each role within the organization chart It has different compliance characteristics. In this sense, from a purely empirical perspective it is possible to infer that there will be some people who focus their attention on effectiveness, and for that they concentrate all their energy in achieving a satisfactory result, without taking into account factors implicit in the same activity as is the interpersonal relationship with one's peers, and even the interrelation with other departments, or aspects of an external type that can undoubtedly influence the activity, and then, not getting the desired, they end up being victims of their own disapproval and move even this to other areas that do not correspond to work, such as school, family and friends.

Therefore, the main premise of should privilege the graphic arts workers of the University is precisely the labour demand, subsequently comes the lifestyle and family coexistence of the same worker. These aspects can influence at a given moment in the work performance, and therefore, it may be necessary to meet these demands in a very specific way. Notwithstanding the foregoing, these situations are only mentioned by way of background, and will not be treated as an object of study, only in a referential manner because in some way these dimensions directly affect the psychological disposition, since it is based on a premise systemic. However, if this dynamic is observed carefully, the execution of these dimensions will not always be loaded with stress or tension, on the contrary, all the activities can contribute in turn for the worker during his execution to develop alternately a recreational and social activity , this as a consequence, will be reflected in a state of mind oriented to effort and dedication but in equal measure, also if achievement expectations are established based solely on technical knowledge without taking into account that can present mechanical contingencies that hinder the delivery times of the materials requested, which does not correspond to the reality of action and execution of the worker which can also cause disappointment and frustration, and therefore lead to an alteration in its various areas of personal development. Therefore, this variation could be reflected in a psychological disposition that does not contribute to the maintenance and attainment of previously established goals (personal efficiency and optimal delivery times), this possible variation and limitation of the action, may cause dissatisfaction and depression, and may reflect this feeling in behaviours of detachment and avoidance in other activities. It is for the foregoing, that it is necessary to support the worker in order to develop his personal resources not only in the workplace but beyond his potential to other spheres of his life. Since the human being is endowed with sufficient capacities to reach an optimal level of functioning that provides him the ability to face the daily demands and to function properly in the different areas that correspond to human development. In the process of group integration, feelings of sympathy or antipathy may be present among the members of the group, which may be stable or unstable. Another aspect that stands out concerns the human tendency to dominate, in some members of the group that can equally impact group cohesion. In equal measure there will be some members of the group that concentrate their attention in the achievement of the goal, but in the same way it can happen that other members do not assume the same conviction, and therefore, this last one influences in the cohesion. And finally, another aspect that attempts against cohesion refers to the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction felt by the group. Now, for the purposes of achieving adequate cohesion is very important to establish the main purpose of the group, which is to stay together and remain united in the pursuit of their goals and objectives.

This could be reflected in the workplace when workers according to their experiences in other work environments have led them to think that the work consists only of performing productive tasks, when in reality it involves other aspects that are equally relevant as the interaction social, that is to say, all the partners coexist with situations of labour and social type, therefore it is necessary to separate the action according to the type of coexistence that is being presented, in fact in the same work scenario these two demands can be presented, but It is necessary that they realize what type of action is required to face a certain situation and not assume that due to the fact that they remain in a work scenario it is necessary to constantly perform implicit tasks in the work entrusted to them, and therefore present rivalry attitudes with other colleagues at all times, as this could predispose the same colleagues to present defensive attitudes to a negative observable behaviour and consequently cause an alteration of the affective state that limits the development of bonds of friendship or at least harmonious relationships between collaborators that sooner or later transcend in the group development and manifest in the psychological disposition.

Returning to the object of study of this research, all people establish numerous relationships throughout life, with parents, children, friends or colleagues and colleagues of work and study. Through them, they exchange ways of feeling and seeing life; they also share needs, interests and affections. These relationships are known as interpersonal relationships. The interpersonal relationships play a fundamental role in the integral development of the person. Through them, the individual obtains important social reinforcements from the immediate environment that favour their adaptation to it. In contrast, the lack of these skills can cause rejection, isolation and, ultimately, limit the quality of life. What is incredible is that day by day, you can relate to so many people, with their own experiences, feelings, values, knowledge and ways of life. Sometimes, different ways of thinking and acting can lead to mistrust or conflict, but value others, accept that there are differences between one person and another and try to understand, can help overcome these obstacles. When the relationship with others is given, reciprocity is expected, this means that you want to give, but also receive; listen and be heard, understand and be understood.

 The interpersonal relationship is a reciprocal interaction between two or more people. These are social relations that, as such, are regulated by the laws and institutions of social interaction. Interpersonal relationships at work constitute a critical role in any company. Although the quality of interpersonal relationships alone is not enough to increase productivity, they can contribute significantly to it, positively or negatively (Billikoph, 2010). It can be said that the fact of maintaining a job depends directly on knowing and putting into practice the social skills necessary to establish and maintain appropriate relationships, which allow them to function effectively in the workplace. In an investigation carried out by Yanez, Arenas and Ripoll (2010), the impact of interpersonal relationships on work on general job satisfaction was evaluated. First, a scale was constructed to assess satisfaction with interpersonal relationships at work and applied to 209 workers in a hospital. A factorial analysis obtained an adequate solution of two factors and an adequate internal consistency of the items. Subsequently, the scale was applied to 321 workers in 7 health centres. It was found that interpersonal relationships at work have a significant impact on general job satisfaction, especially relations with managers.

In order to analyse the interpersonal relationships of the graphic arts workers of the Autonomous University of Nayarit, it was decided to apply the instrument called FIRO-B (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation - Behaviour) which, as its name implies, allows the measurement of the fundamental profile of interpersonal relational orientation based on the behaviours that they emit based on inclusion, control and affection. A peculiarity that presents the FIRO-B model is that all its scales are Guttmann. Which establishes that the reproducibility is the product or the result of the appropriate measure of internal consistency, so then, if the items have cumulative property, their one dimensionality is accepted. For reproducibility is a more rigorous criterion than the usual method of measuring internal consistency since it does not only require that the items measure the same dimension. The Guttmann scale is a procedure or technique to determine certain properties of a scale, of a set of items; based on the fact that some items indicate to a greater extent the intensity of the attitude, hence the scale aims to analyse if the items are reproducible or scalable. Reproducibility is presented, based on the total score of each person, since it is possible to reproduce their score on each item and there is scalability if the items have different intensity, since they represent different degrees of attitude. Both characteristics are related and assume that the items are one-dimensional. (which measure a single dimension), thus the FIRO-B model allows to evaluate the profile of prototypes that prevails in the graphic arts workers of the Autonomous University of Nayarit in a reliable manner, with respect to the desired and expressed inclusion, in the margin of the predominant personality types referred to above, which could lead to the presence of multiple personalities, however, the investigative spirit does not intend to determine such dimension, but rather, seeks to observe the level of inclusion desired or expressed predominantly in dependence on the Prevalence determine its influence on group cohesion.

The concepts included in three-dimensional theory refer to interpersonal dimensions, of which there are three basic ones: the first is inclusion, which basically refers to people tend to show a great need to feel included in group activities for which they usually express their desire, while other people with an introverted tendency who opt for withdrawal and avoid confrontation or confrontation. They avoid associating with other people and do not accept invitations to join others, that is, they keep distance with other people and do not mix with people. Unconsciously they want to be paid attention to what can be said according to this three-dimensional theory that they wish to be included [1,2].

Within this same dimension of inclusion, three inclusion prototypes are established; little social, excessively social and social. The second interpersonal dimension refers to control, which indicates that some people have the need to control the social environment where they coexist and even try to control the individuals with whom they interact, and on the other hand there are other people who do not wish to control to others nor to be controlled by them, but prefer independence and autonomy. In the same way that the previous dimension also has three control prototypes that are: abdicate, autocratic and democratic. Finally, the third interpersonal dimension focuses on the affection or bonds of friendship that tend to develop naturally in interpersonal relationships, this section is based on the premise that human beings are gregarious by nature because they are prone to interact with others. others and in the same act of relationship it is possible that very close affective bonds are present as this makes them feel better and they express it expressing their affection while others find the area of affection very painful since previously they have been rejected as a consequence they avoid in the future, relate to others and prefer to have a distant and impersonal contact, although internally they want to have affection for others. In the same way as the two previous dimensions, the affection has three prototypes that are; little personal, excessively personal and personal. The measurement formula of the FIRO-B allows an approach to the concept of compatibility, which is based on the scores obtained after its application. The FIRO-B has been designed to measure not only the individual characteristics of people, but also assesses the interrelationships that occur between people, such as compatibility. The incompatibility is of two types: incompatibility of exchange, which are the differences in the total amount of interpersonal exchange desired, and the incompatibility of the initiator, which are the differences related to who initiates and who receives the behaviour.

The interpersonal concept contains three types of behaviour:

·         A priori behaviours, relationships between early and present interpersonal situations; in part, the past determines the present.

·         Present behaviours, relationships between the elements of the present interpersonal situations.

·         Consequent behaviours, relationships between present interpersonal orientations and behaviours and attitudes [3].

According to Schutz (cited by Castanedo 2011) people have three basic interpersonal needs, inclusion, control and affection, all three constitute sufficient dimensions of interpersonal behaviour to be able to predict and explain the interpersonal phenomenon.

The definition of inclusion consists of the desire to establish and maintain a satisfactory relationship with people regarding interaction. Hence, the satisfactory relationship represents:

·         The ability to maintain a comfortable psychological relationship with people in a range that involves initiating an interaction with people until they initiate it.

·         The beginning of comfortable psychological relationships with people by issuing behaviours towards people in a dimension that goes from initiating interactions with the self to never initiating them.

With respect to self-concept, it refers to the desire to feel that one's self is meaningful and valuable. In what corresponds to the feelings is defined as the effort to establish and maintain a feeling of mutual interest with other people. So inclusion involves the ability of people to care about other people satisfactorily. In the same way it implies that other people are interested in the self in a satisfactory way. Now, the interpersonal definition of control is the disposition to establish and maintain a satisfactory relationship with people. In relation to control and power, the satisfactory relationship involves:

Hence, control involves respecting others to a satisfactory degree, and that others respect the self at a satisfactory level, and from the self it is defined as the awareness of feeling that one is a competent and responsible person.

Finally, the interpersonal need for affection is defined as the desire or effort to maintain a satisfactory relationship with people in regards to love and affection. In this case, it implies that there is always a relationship of two people. From this perspective a satisfactory relationship implies:

·         Carry a comfortable psychological relationship of affection with people in a range that involves the initiation of close relationships with all people until they start with anyone.

·         Maintaining a comfortable psychological relationship with people regarding the issuance of behaviours in a dimension that goes from initiating relationships close to the self until they are initiated. With regard to feelings, this need defines the preteens of establishing and maintaining a feeling of mutual affection towards others.

The feelings include the ability to love others satisfactorily. And let the others love the self satisfactorily. At the level of self-concept, it is defined as the demand to feel that the self is loved. The interpersonal dimension that refers to control, maintains that some people have the need to control the social environment where they live and even seek to control the individuals with whom they interact, and on the other hand there are other people who do not want or control others nor to be controlled by them, but prefer independence and autonomy. Likewise, the previous dimension also has three prototypes for control, and these are; abdicate, autocratic and democratic. The last interpersonal dimension is focused on the affection or the affective bonds that tend to unfold naturally in interpersonal relationships, in this dimension the main premise is that human beings are social of origin, so they have a propensity to relationships with others. others and possibly establish very close emotional ties as this makes them feel better and express it expressing their affection, while other people find the area of affection very painful since previously they have been rejected as a consequence they avoid in the future to relate to others and prefer have a distant and impersonal contact although internally they want to have affection for others. 


Analyse the factors that influence interpersonal relationships, as a basis for the design of an institutional proposal with a humanist approach to strengthen the work of the graphic arts workshop employees of the Autonomous University of Nayarit. 


The study carried out was predominantly exploratory, since the most distinguished task of the research is to find explanations; from an adequate formulation of previously formulated hypotheses since they play a key role in scientific work since they constitute the basis for a prognosis research and development of problem solving techniques. The entire data collection procedure was carried out through a cross-sectional analysis, since the data was collected only once at a certain time.


The participants analysed using the FIRO-B scale were all the members of the workforce of the graphic arts workshop of the Autonomous University of Nayarit, which included the coordination and department heads. This working population consists of 15 (Fifteen) people of which 6 (six), belong to the female gender and 9 (nine), to the male gender.

Below is the statistical information, range of classes, relative frequency and cumulative frequency of said population.

Class interval

Relative frequency

Accumulated frequency

25 – 30 years



30 – 35 years



35 – 40 years



40 – 45 years



45 – 50 years

























Average age - 32.83

































 Average age 39.22


Prototypes considered in interpersonal behavior




A little social


Little staff

Excessively social


Excessively personnel





Prevalence of prototypes found




A little social


Little staff




Excessively social


Excessively personal











The main reason for the use of this instrument is the approach of the FIRO-B model, which allows a quick and forceful reading of the needs of each group, as well as the needs of individuals The three-dimensional theory of personality analyses the close relationship between the way people act as adults and the way children behave, which is why it establishes two principles that together constitute the postulate of relational continuity.

The Scale of the three-dimensional personality theory (FIRO-B) contains 54 items, in a total of nine items each of the six dimensions, the concepts contained in the three-dimensional theory refer to the interpersonal dimensions

The first is inclusion, which refers to people who show a great need to feel included in group activities, so they express their desire. In contrast, people with an introverted tendency tend to avoid confrontation or confrontation. They avoid associating with other people and do not accept invitations to join others, that is, they keep distance with other people and do not get involved. Unconsciously they want to be paid attention to what can be said according to this three-dimensional theory that they wish to be included. Within this same dimension of inclusion, three inclusion prototypes are established; little social, excessively social and social. With regard to control, that is, the need to establish and maintain the influence and power in interpersonal relationships, in the same way as the previous one contains three prototypes that are; abdicate, autocratic and democratic.

Finally, there is the affect dimension, which alludes to the affective closeness with people, the prototypes that it contains; little personal, excessively personal and personal. All the profiles of the FIRO-B, in the three dimensions (inclusion, control and affection in its two parts expressed and desired) are represented in prototypes of personality, in this case the inclusion and affect equally cover nine prototypes and the control presents ten prototypes in their totality they represent three hundred clinical combinations of the expressed and desired scores. The foundation and structure provided by the FIRO-B is very useful because it provides elements of study to access the personality traits and prototypes that predominate among the workers studied and how the possible combinations determine certain individual behaviours that can contribute to the development of the interpersonal relationships. The scales of the FIRO-B approach have been constructed so that people become aware of themselves and their relationships with people. There are no right or qualitatively adequate questions. The scores obtained contribute to the best self-knowledge of what is perceived or described, which does not mean that the subject cannot alter or modify it. The awareness of one's own behaviour allows the person to become aware of their own reality, so that they can face life with more social coping resources, make decisions and avoid experiential blockages [4-6]. 

Ethical Aspects

The instruments were applied in the workplace during working hours. The participants were informed of the objective of the study. The importance of answering all the questions with sincerity was emphasized. Likewise, the confidentiality of the information was assured to the participants.

As can be seen, with regard to inclusion, the group evaluated shows a tendency towards the excessively social prototype (66.66%), which has already explained above, these people are characterized by what they seek and also constantly want the others see them and at the same time pretend to be always with them. Unconsciously they are afraid of being ignored. That is why in the design of all group activities they seek to be always accompanied, hence they tend to be very participatory. Now, as regards control, there is an almost total trend towards the democratic prototype (93.33%), in this sense, it can be established that they are people who in their childhood have adequately resolved their interrelations with others, so that they do not they have problems with power and control, so then, they feel comfortable giving or not giving orders, receiving them or not. In addition, they feel capable and responsible, they do not need to contract responsibilities, nor do they try to constantly demonstrate how competent they are. Finally, as regards affection, the overly personnel prototype (60%) predominates, whose distinctive feature in interpersonal relationships is that of becoming accepted. So they will make great attempts to gain approval, becoming very personnel and confident. 


Interpersonal relationships are understood as the ability of one or more people to socialize among themselves in different circumstances and situations. Currently in different work spaces play a very important role because in most cases work as a team where communication is essential to achieve success in all activities. It is vitally important in the workplace to promote good interpersonal relationships; this is achieved by working on mutual respect. The group evaluated prevails an orientation to interpersonal relationships, in relation to the prototype control the predominant tendency is democratic, hence the members of the group accept their role within the organization for the same reason group cohesion is favoured to a great extent, which is reinforced by the affection prototype, because the members of the group pursue being approved by the group. Interpersonal relationships are a relevant element in the workplace and they should be promoted so that there is a better environment among the employees and the activities of the company are better carried out. In every organization, work must be done to achieve a harmonious working environment, allowing and promoting the participation of the members of the teams, where disagreement is used to seek an improvement in performance.  


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