Paradox Complex Syndrome Download PDF

Journal Name : SunText Review of Neuroscience & Psychology

DOI : 10.51737/2766-4503.2022.048

Article Type : Opinion Article

Authors : Abdulwahab Alahmari

Keywords : There is an Egyptian saying: "The cat loves only the person who chokes him".

Opinion Article

There is an Egyptian saying: "The cat loves only the person who chokes him". Which means someone who stay and return always to a bad person who always harms them! The cats maybe it is an instinct where they used to be hold from the back of their necks since they are babies, so it could be a natural thing for them or they used to it.

I noticed a psychological phenomena that is worldwide seen, but never described before and I like to name it the Paradox Complex Syndrome because it is irrational, illogical, and harmful to those who suffer because of it. Some people who are affected by this mental illness and they do not see it! This Paradox Complex Syndrome is summarize in a person (Let's call this person, person X) who is loving and respecting another individual (Person Y) who only did harm and wants only the bad things for that person X and in the same time this person X hates another individual (Person Z) who loves this person X and only wishes good for Person X.

Hate in normal cases should be exhibited to a person who hates you and love should be exhibited to a person who loves you or at least, not interested, but does not hate you or wish you bad things. Loving and respecting someone who hates you and wants only bad and dangerous things to happen to you, should not be returned with love and respect. As well, hate should not be exhibited to someone who only cares about you, and wants only the good things for you.

In life, I saw a case of someone treating a group of orphans who are relatives to him in a good way, take care of them, advise them to stay away from troubles, but these orphans hated this man to death and they ended up in person for 7 years for going with the wrong crowed and their involvement in criminal activities. These orphans in the same time are hated and disrespected by another individual who only wanted bad things for them and they respect him and love him to the level of worship!

This is illogical thing to do! This is a pathological socio-behavioral dissonance and emotional-gnosia or simply a Paradox Complex Syndrome. It is not masochism, Stockholm syndrome, or cognitive dissonance. This syndrome is Paradox Complex Syndrome which I describe as a psychological imbalanced behaviors and emotions sent to the wrong sides on both ways simultaneously.

This syndrome is seen when Nilsson Mandela was visited by the Prime Minister of South Africa and shown the phrase from the bible "Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ." Meanwhile, the Quran and Prophet Mohammed Hadiths indicates "There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a non-Arab over an Arab, and no superiority of a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person, except on the basis of personal piety and righteousness." 

Nelson Mandela did not accept Islam and stayed on Christianity even though there are many passages in the bible are anti-African and anti-black people.

Another example is the Professor and the Author Edith Hall who praises Aristotle in her book "Aristotle way" who said about women and black people many bad things like that part where he says "women and slaves are not capable to have the same mental capacity as men and they are inferior in every aspect and slaves are more inferior than women". Anyhow, Edith defends him and take him as her role model and she is an atheist so all religions for her are bad and she said that she will change Aristotle mind about women if she sits down with him!". She even published many books about him!  Someone might say that I see the negative side of Aristotle and avoid the good side or I only see either black or white thinking (splitting), but Aristotle is the one with that view literally, not me!

This clear paradox syndrome of immaturity, wrong feelings, and irrational emotions sent to the wrong side is illogical! And seen everywhere, but no paper ever written about it in psychology! This emotional blindness and mixed messages is the biggest dilemma in psychology. Whether the frontal cortex damage or immaturity play a rule in such a condition is unknown to me at this point. This condition is unique by its bilateral sides and visible very clear as a phenomena.

This syndrome might cause the patient to love the oppressor and hate the love-giver. Hating the friends and loving the enemies. Machiavelli said "the tough person everybody respects him". But in this syndrome its more different, they would go beyond the respect to love the person who will cause the harm. How many women lives with an abusive husband and never leave him? How many women were told by her family leave your abusive husband and she hated her loving family. I can mention many examples that touches every reader of this paper because there are too many examples to prove my psychological theory. For example, how many children hate their loving mothers and treat them in a very rude way, in the same time, they treat other children who bully them in school in a very good way. You are being rude to your mother and nice to bullies in school that is illogical and paradox. Another psycho-social example is some countries who used to have a democratic elected president who was looking for his people greater good and everybody hated him, they “the people” overthrown their democratic president to replace him with a dictator who tortured, killed, kidnaped, and stole from every citizen in his country and the people love him and respect him! The majority of the citizens said "this country needs an alpha male supreme leader to run the country".

I saw a similar situation of a journalist/satirist who was allowed in a democratic country to practice his freedom of speech and when his country became a dictatorship he was banned from doing his show. The paradox here is that this satirist hated the democratic country more (who allowed him to talk) and he is loving the dictatorship (which banned him) and never criticized them at all! They asked him in an interview and he said that he hated the democratic country and the elected president more and he is in love with the tyrant who made his country a dictatorship! This does not make any sense.

The feelings are being in an arbitrary way and the patients are not even aware of what they are doing! This illogical way of behaving and thinking are not even induce by a physical power from the bad person in many situations. Usually, both love and hate for the wrong sides are simultaneous. Can't have one feeling without the other for different people. People who have this syndrome they usually unhappy, depressed, have low self-esteem, care more about the public opinions about them, afraid of reminded that they were advised to not do something which makes them hate that person (who advised them) because he/she was right of what will happen (a good predicator), jealousy, melancholia, sad when they see other people happy (negativity), etc.

This Paradox Complex Syndrome is worldwide seen, but no one address it. This is seen in Russia where many Russians love their president and most of them refuse any form of western democracy; even though; some might have different opinions, but there is a majority who are in favor of authoritarian leadership in Russia.