Article Type : Case Report
Authors : Choayb S, El Harras Y, Messaoud O, Jerguigue H, Latib R and Omor Y
Keywords : Pseudomyxoma peritonei; Mucinous neoplasms; Appendix; Ovary
peritonei (PMP) is an unusual condition responsible for mucinous ascites in the
peritoneal cavity. The most common cause is a mucinous neoplasm of the
appendix. We present the case of a 67-year-old postmenopausal patient who
presented to the department of gynecology with a 6-month history of abdominal
pain and distension. Her abdominal ultrasound revealed a large amount of fluid
within the peritoneal cavity and bilateral cystic pelvic masses. An MRI showed
an appendiceal mucocele associated with bilateral cystic ovarian masses and a
large amount of ascites.
PMP, also referred to as “jelly belly”, is
characterized by the presence of mucinous effusion in the peritoneal cavity. It
is a rare condition, frequently secondary to mucinous neoplasms of the appendix
[1]. Occasionally, PMP may emerge from other abdominal neoplasms, including
those of the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, urachus, urinary bladder, or
pelvic organs, in which the ovary is a rare cause [2,3]. PMP should be
considered a borderline malignant process, as this disease has a wide spectrum
from slow growth to rapidly infiltrative progressive disease [3]. Imaging plays
an important role in preoperative diagnosis and guides the therapeutic
A 67-year-old postmenopausal patient presented to the department of gynecology with a 6-month history of abdominal pain and distension. She previously had an abdominal ultrasound, which revealed a large amount of fluid within the peritoneal cavity and bilateral cystic pelvic masses. The patient didn’t have a family history of cancer or toxic habits. Physical examination revealed a distended abdomen; no palpable mass was detected. Laboratory tests revealed elevated tumour markers: carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) (236 ng/mL), carbohydrate antigen 19.9 (CA 19.9) (<2 IU/mL), and CA 125 (36 ng/mL). The upper endoscopy and colonoscopy were negative for pathology. A CT scan showed a large amount of ascites with scalloping on the liver surface associated with nodular peritoneal thickening. The ovarian masses were cystic and had bilateral curvilinear calcifications. No lymph node enlargement was noted. The appendix was difficult to assess due to the large amount of ascites (Figures 1,2). An abdominal MRI showed an appendiceal mucocele, bilateral cystic ovarian masses, a large amount of ascites, and nodular peritoneal thickening (Figures 3,4). The patient underwent an exploratory laparoscopy that was converted to a laparotomy due to an important amount of yellowish, gelatinous ascites with adhesions. At exploration, carcinosis completely engulfed the right diaphragmatic cupule, porta hepatis, lesser omentum, stomach, and spleen. Several implants were also noted in the lumbar and iliac regions, in addition to bilateral ovarian masses. The small bowel was massively involved. The PCI (peritoneal carcinosis index) was 36. A biopsy of the large omentum, mesenterium, and abdominal wall and aspiration of 6 l of ascites were performed. They revealed a low-grade mucinous peritoneal carcinoma. Both histopathology and immunoassays (CK20+ and CK-) confirmed the diagnosis of disseminated peritoneal mucinous carcinomatosis of appendiceal origin. As the surgery was impossible, the patient was referred to the palliative care department. In this case, we couldn’t confirm the origin of the ovarian masses based on histopatholgy, and they were considered secondary spread from the appendiceal mucinous neoplasm.
Figure 1: A and B: axial CT scans of the abdomen revealing
diffuse ascites (stars) with scalloping on the liver surface (red arrows). Note
the calcifications within the pelvic masses.
Figure 2: A and B, thoraco-abdominal sagittal and coronal CT scans show an important amount of ascites within the intraperioneal spaces, mesentery, and omentum. Note the omental caking on the sagittal view (red arrow).
Figure 3: Axial (A) and sagittal (B) T2WI of the pelvis showing abundant ascites (stars) and a high-signal spherical mass contiguous to the cecum, corresponding to an appendiceal mucocele (red arrow). Note the scalloping of the uterine surface (yellow arrows) by the ascites.
Axial (A and B) T2WI of the pelvis showing abundant ascites (stars) and
bilateral cystic masses of the ovaries (Right ovary: white arrow; Left ovary:
black arrow).
In 1842, Carl Rokitansky was the first to describe an
appendiceal mucocele, and in 1937, a German gynecologist called Robert
Michaelis Von Olshausen suggested that after appendiceal cyst rupture,
epithelial cells took roots in the peritoneal cavity and continued the
secretion of gelatinous material, leading to PMP [3]. The term PMP was first
described by Werth in 1884 in a patient who was supposed to have a ruptured
pseudomucinous cystadenoma of the ovary. The term pseudomyxoma derives from a
type of mucin called pseudomucin that was used to portray the content of the
locules present in ovarian pseudomucinous cystadenoma [4]. It also refers to
mucus-free production in the peritoneal cavity or cystic gelatinous masses [4].
According to Carr et al., PMP could include mucinous ascites, omental cake,
peritoneal implants, and ovarian involvement. It describes the macroscopic
appearance of the gelatinous ascites and thus is not a histological diagnosis
[1]. The incidence of PMP is about 1 to 4 individuals per million per year,
with a net female predominance [1]. A recent study by Smeenk et al. found that
the incidence of mucinous epithelial neoplasm of the appendix is estimated to
be around 0,3% and 20% of these patients progress to PMP [3]. In the initial
stages, PMP is frequently asymptomatic; the diagnosis is often made during
surgery for suspected appendicitis, gynecological cancer, or peritonitis [1].
The origin of this disease is usually an appendiceal neoplasm that eventually
takes on the appearance of mucoceles [4]. Most of the time, low-grade mucinous
carcinoma peritonei is related to low-grade appendix mucinous neoplasms, and
high-grade mucinous carcinoma peritonei is related to appendiceal mucinous
adenocarcinoma [2]. The appendix and the ovary could be involved concurrently
or successively in females [2].
It was long believed that PMP might be secondary to
ovarian malignancies, but immunohistochemistry and molecular genetic
examinations proved that most ovarian mucinous tumours come from perforated
appendiceal mucinous tumours [1]. Only a few rare cases of PMP emerging from a
mature ovarian cystic teratoma are left as possible causes of PMP [4]. Ovarian
tumours require a complete evaluation of the upper and lower digestive tracts
to exclude metastasis, as primary malignant ovarian mucinous tumours are very
rare [2]. Ovarian metastasis of low appendiceal mucinous neoplasms appears as a
cystic ovarian mass mimicking a mucinous carcinoma or a borderline tumour of
the ovary [5]. Several criteria help distinguish primary ovarian mucinous
tumours from secondary ovarian mucinous tumours. Unilaterality, a large tumour
exceeding 10cm, a smooth surface without extra-ovarian disease, the presence of
benign or borderline areas, an expansile pattern of invasion, a low grade and
low stage at presentation, and less aggressive behaviour — all these signs
indicate a primary ovarian neoplasm. On the other hand, bilateral ovarian
involvement, smaller size, ovarian surface involvement, multiple nodules, and
an infiltrative pattern of stromal invasion favour an extra-ovarian origin [6].
Immunohistochemical markers such as CK20 and CK7 may help in determining the
origin of an ovarian tumour [5]. CK20+ and CK- favour an appendiceal origin;
however, overlap in the expression of these markers exists [5]. SATB2 (Special
AT-rich sequence-binding protein 2) is a specific immunohistochemical marker
that helps distinguish primary ovarian mucinous tumors from metastatic ovarian
mucinous tumours. It is expressed by the cells that line the lower part of the
digestive tract, mainly in the colon and the appendix. STAB2 is negative in
primary ovarian mucinous neoplasms, excluding teratoma [2-5]. The risk of an
appendiceal mucinous tumour includes familial adenomatous polyposis, KRAS,
GNAS, and TP53 mutations [1]. The latter appears to be associated with a
high-grade disease, a poor outcome, and female sex [1-7].
In PMP, the mucus tends to collect in the pelvis, the
paracolic gutters, the liver capsule, the omentum, the retrovesical pouch, and
the retrohepatic space. This is because the mucus follows the normal flow of
the peritoneal fluid and the pull of gravity. When the ovaries are involved in
a trans-celomic spread, they appear as a large, multiloculated mucin mass
[3-7]. PMP is often found earlier in women; this may be explained by the rapid
enlargement of the ovaries, which becomes symptomatic or clinically obvious. On
the other hand, males are often diagnosed in the advanced stages, as the
disease was asymptomatic initially. The tumour rupture is often not associated
with any pain, and the mucus seals the luminal communication to the cecum and
therefore prevents gross bacterial contamination. Incidental funding after
appendectomies can lead to early detection in both males and females [3].
Clinical symptoms are not specific and do not correlate with the disease’s
progression. Patients may present with appendicitis-like syndrome, irritation
bowel syndrome, bowel obstruction secondary to progressive fibrous adhesions,
ascites, abdominal discomfort, distension, and palpable abdominal masses
(ovarian masses, omental cake). Occasionally, tumours with mucin ascites
accumulate in the inguinal hernia. Rectal examination may reveal deposits in
the pouch of Douglas [1-7]. The mobile small bowel is typically spared in the
early stages of the disease, but the fixed parts may be heavily involved. In
cases of aggressive tumours, small bowel involvement can occur early [3]. PMP
typically does not spread beyond the peritoneal cavity and does not metastasize
to lymph nodes, especially in its low-grade form [7]. But there have been
reports of extra abdominal spread, particularly to the pleural cavity [3].
Imaging plays an important role in the diagnosis. Ultrasound may detect
peritoneal ascites and an appendiceal mucocele that appears as a cystic mass in
the right iliac fossa with internal echogenic layering called the onion skin
sign and possible mural calcifications exhibiting shadowing. On CT and MRI, the
gelatinous ascites are distinguished from the fluid ascites by the scalloping
on the surfaces of the spleen and liver and exhibit a low or proteinaceous
attenuation [1-6]. CT and MRI also detect peritoneal nodules that manifest as
omental cake in advanced stages and may cause extrinsic pressure on bowel loops
[1-6]. Amorphous or curvilinear calcifications within the peritoneal implant
may be seen [6].
Detecting the involvement of the small bowel
mesentery, serosa, and porta hepatis using oral and intravenous contrast
determines the possibility of complete resection [3]. Nevertheless, small bowel
involvement is often best assessed during the surgery [3]. MRI also helps in
the assessment of small bowel and hepatoduodenal ligament involvement [3]. DWI
with a low b value helps visualize the septa within the intraperitoneal fluid
and thus helps diagnose PMP [6]. It also has better sensitivity and specificity
to detect peritoneal metastasis [3]. In all cases of PMP, the appendix should
be well observed. On cross-sectional images, the mucocele appears as a
well-encapsulated cystic mass with occasional mural calcification.
Nevertheless, a residual perforated appendix can be difficult to detect [6].
PET CT is more interesting for detecting extraperitoneal metastasis.
Percutaneous biopsies are unhelpful, but when performed, the acellular mucin
finding is suggestive of PMP [3]. Serum tumour markers help with diagnosis,
prognosis, follow-up, and early detection of recurrence [1]. High tumour
markers preoperatively could guide the interval and frequency of follow-up. The
three tumour markers used are the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), expressed by
tumours of the gastrointestinal tract, especially colorectal cancers;
carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA 125), a marker for ovarian tumours; and
carbohydrate antigen 19.9 (CA 19.9), typically associated with pancreatic and
upper gastrointestinal tract tumours but also expressed in peritoneal
malignancy. In patients with any source of peritoneal irritation, CA125 and
CA19.9 can be elevated [3]. The treatments include complete cytoreduction
surgery (CCSR) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). CCSR
includes bilateral parietal and diaphragmatic peritonectomy, right
hemicolectomy, radical greater omentectomy with splenectomy, cholecystectomy,
and liver capsulectomy; a pelvic peritonectomy with or without recto-sigmoid
resection; and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with hysterectomy in females
[1-3]. Even when the appendix is macroscopically normal, appendicectomy is
always recommended in PMP [7]. When complete excision is not feasible, maximal
tumour debulking is performed, permitting a significant survival advantage [3].
Systemic chemotherapy should be considered only in patients with no surgical
options [4]. CRS and HIPEC permit disease-free survival at 1, 5, and 10 years
up to 75%, 56–70%, and 67%, with an overall 5-year survival rate of 69–75% and
overall 10-year survival rates of 57%, but are associated with major morbidity
(7% - 49%) and mortality (0.6% - 4.4%) [3]. A CT scan with serum tumour markers
is recommended in the follow-up, 1 year after the surgery, and annually for 10
years. If recurrence is suspected or the patient is symptomatic, imaging is
performed earlier [3].
PMP is a complex clinical-pathological condition
originating from a perforated appendiceal mucinous neoplasm in the majority of
cases. It may spread secondarily to the ovaries and mimic ovarian tumours.
Imaging plays an important role in diagnosis and in guiding the therapeutic
approach. The optimal treatment is CCSR associated with HIPEC.